
Showing posts from September, 2018

Spring, Tennis, Farewell to Claire and Class Celebrations.

It has been a busy last week of Term 3 in Room 16.  We have been learning all about Spring and preparing our garden to plant lots of different vegetables and flowers.   We farewelled Claire our wonderful Student Teacher.  She has been a great help this term and will be missed by everyone.  All the best with your future career as a teacher Claire! Room 16 have really enjoyed being able to go outside this week and enjoy that great weather.  We played tennis, had treasure hunts, learnt other new games and gardened. Room 16 filled their Ka Pai Jar because they have been so respectful and responsible and so to finish off the term we had a class disco, a picnic and a game of Seaweed with Mr D and Katrina from the office as our guests of honour. Thank you to everyone for your support this term.  We look forward to seeing you all in Term Four.                       

The Water Cycle, Pirates and Expo

Term 3 Week 9 This term has flown over! One week to go! This week we looked at the water cycle. We watched an information video explaining the cycle, made our own in a bag so we could see the steps of the cycle happening and we sang a song about it. We also made a mini water cycle in a bowl and kept checking to see the evaporation, condensation and precipitation. We did 2 cloud experiments where we made the clouds form in a jar using hairspray and a match. We celebrated International Pirate's Day with some dressing up, hat making, treasure maps and a cool pirate game. We had a go at the dry paper towel experiment and discussed how the air is trapped and pushes away the water so the towel stays dry. Thank you to all the visitors that were able to come to the Expo and share some of the activities your children have been doing this term. It was lovely to see you.